The Recruitment Blog For Recruiters

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Recruitment Juice is the market leader in recruitment specific online video learning and the most cost effective and time efficient tool available worldwide to develop your staff. If you’d like to find out more about what we do, book a demo or download our brochure.

How your existing recruiters can benefit from an apprenticeship

With government funding and the levy system, apprenticeships are a significant opportunity for recruitment businesses to invest in talented people and develop their skills. But with employers only spending 56% of their apprenticeship levy on average, some businesses are missing out on the full potential.

The problem is a common misconception: that apprenticeships are only for school leavers and young people getting started in their careers. In fact, apprenticeships are available for even the most seasoned recruiters—anyone you want to encourage, develop, and nurture towards new skills and responsibilities.

But with apprentices required to spend 20% of their time ‘off the job’, why would you bother? What are the benefits you can unlock with a funded apprenticeship programme? And what impact can you expect on your business?

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Level up your recruiters with our Virtual Immersive Learning Scenarios

In the world of online learning and development, the term ‘gamification’ is nothing new. While many training providers talk in excited tones about their game-changing gamification ideas, the reality is that it’s something that’s become expected, not extraordinary.

The term itself was first used around 2002, but the idea of gamification has been with us for considerably longer. It’s there in the way Scouts earn badges for their achievements. It’s even there in the points-based systems of retail loyalty programmes. But as technology has continued to evolve, there are new ways to make learning as engaging as gaming—and we’re constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve.

With Juice Virtual Immersive Learning Scenarios, your recruiters can step into a virtual world that brings the skills and behaviours they’re working on to life. They’ll be led through the process of guiding a recruitment team to success, supported by insights from sales expert Gavin Ingham. And they’ll learn skills in a way that’s more memorable and impactful—here’s why.

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Why we’re partnering with FranklinCovey to deliver world-class recruiter training

At Recruitment Juice, we’ve built our reputation on delivering fun, engaging training for recruiters at every level—from new recruits to emerging leaders. Now, we’re proud to announce our new partnership with FranklinCovey to provide even more resources and insights for our learners.

With this partnership, we’re bringing some of FranklinCovey’s most impactful webinars into our programmes and apprenticeships, with a focus on leadership skills, management, and cultivating a high-performance mindset. It’s a powerful way for recruiters to build their knowledge even further with ideas, skills and best practices based on decades of experience and research.

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Three reasons recruiters need an adaptive approach to sales

While the art of selling goes back throughout history, the way sales teams work is continually evolving and changing. The past few years have seen a significant shift in client expectations around how they’re sold to—and we’ve seen recruitment businesses strive to keep up.

No surprise, then, that the people who spend their time selling feel overwhelmed. According to data from Salesforce, 66% of sales reps say they’re drowning in tools. A report from Lead Forensics suggests that the average B2B salesperson spends half their day doing tasks that could be automated. We’re all striving to win business in an increasingly competitive space—but rarely making the targeted changes we need to succeed.

The answer? A more agile, adaptive approach to sales—one where you flex around what the market is telling you, what today’s clients expect, and where the biggest opportunities can be found. Here are three big reasons to make your sales methodology more adaptive—and how to get started.
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How minimum wage increases affect the recruitment business

From April 2024, the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage in the UK will undergo its biggest cash increase in history. Amid the ongoing cost of living crisis and rising expense for businesses and households alike, this increase is set to significantly impact the UK economy—and every business.

For recruitment specifically, it’s very possible that this increase will affect the number of employment opportunities in the UK as businesses are required to spend more on existing, already-filled positions. But our recent poll on LinkedIn shows that the concerns of recruitment businesses are more diverse and complex.

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4 benefits of getting a recruitment qualification

One of the most spectacular things about the recruitment business is the diversity of recruiters. There are numerous routes into the industry and everyone comes with the advantage of their unique experiences and skills.

At the same time, new and existing recruiters can all benefit from some structured learning and a professional qualification as a recruiter. It’s a way to take all that lived experience and support it with best practice and clever techniques, making it more relevant to the day-to-day experience of being a recruiter or resourcer.

Recruitment qualifications are good for business—especially when delivered through a blended approach that includes engaging, self-directed online learning. But what are the benefits for recruiters themselves? Why should recruiters put in the extra time and energy to earn letters after their name? And what kind of effect does a qualification have on your earning potential?

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Objections to online learning: for leaders

Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing an honest, uncompromising look at objections to online learning. We’ve looked at misconceptions from recruitment businesses and individual recruiters, touching on topics like cost and boredom. But the leaders inside your business—the ones responsible for guiding recruiters to success—face their own unique challenges.

Every day, they have the potential to enable and empower your recruiters. However, this depends on not only strong management skills, but also access to accurate, up-to-date information on learning and development.

Finishing our series, let’s look at the three most common objections to online learning from leaders—and how a modern, smart approach can help.

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Looking back on recruitment in 2023

From the continued cost of living crisis to the Barbenheimer phenomenon back in July, 2023 has been a memorable, often surprising year for a lot of people. The year in recruitment is no exception.

2023 saw a number of key trends and shifts, both in the way people work and the way recruiters do business. Many Juice clients have reported a strong year, not just with big account wins and successful placements, but also laying the foundations for what 2024 has to bring.

At Juice, we’ve had a busy year too, packed with new course launches and continued improvements to our platform. So, to finish off, let’s look back together on the biggest recruitment topics in 2023—and what they can tell us about next year.


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Why MDs are ultimately responsible for learning culture

Over the past few months, we’ve written a lot about the importance of building a learning culture inside your recruitment business. We’ve talked about the business benefits of a learning culture, the importance of synergy across teams, and even how your managers hold influence.

However, while everyone has a role to play in your culture, there’s an important person we’ve missed: the leaders at the very top. Whether you’re a managing director, founder, or CEO, the way you behave – and the way you communicate about recruiter training – has a significant impact on the rest of the business.

Read on to find out why higher ups need to be on board with your learning strategy—and what you can do to positively influence your entire organisation from the top down.

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Objections to online learning: for recruiters

Continuing our series on the most common objections to online learning, we’re digging deeper into the perspectives of recruiters themselves.

When it comes to effective learning and development, nothing’s more important than your recruiters. They’re the people you’re providing training for—the ones who’ll benefit first from new skills and ideas. If they’re not on board, no amount of great content can help you.

As with new ways of working, technology, or process changes, adoption is everything. But encouraging adoption doesn’t mean burying your head in the sand about the assumptions and objections your recruiters bring to the table. If anything, the best results come from facing those objections head-on with clear, focused answers.

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